Organic Landscape Design Xeriscape Experts Serving North Dallas Neighborhoods

Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design  VEGETABLE GARDENS

It is our belief that growing vegetables organically is not only rewarding, but far safer for you, your family and your friends. We have maintained two organic vegetable plots at the Lake Highlands Community Garden for over 10 years. On our productive plot we grow gorgeous, healthy produce untouched by insecticides, pesticides, or synthetic chemicals.


If would like to have an organic vegetable garden of your own, we can install it for you. Let us share the knowledge we have gained maintaining our two plots. We will improve the soil with organic amendments and plant seasonal vegetables.

Or if you prefer, we can simply build and prep the bed allowing you and your family the joy of planting!

Bending and stooping an issue? Another option is to construct raised container boxes and fill them, ready to plant.

The difference in taste is beyond words. Grow your own vegetables like eggplant, tomato or squash, and more.

Custom-built Raised Veggie Beds with Gate and Chicken Wire
Custom-built Raised Veggie Beds with Gate and Chicken Wire
Custom built raised beds
Custom built raised beds
plot community garden landscape design and installation of Dallas TX
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Tending to GFT plot
organic vegetable garden
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Organic vegetables
Vertical Herb Garden
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Organic vegetables and herbs
Want to grow your own food?
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