Landscape Design Challenge
This client faced a common issue found in many Dallas area back yards. Nearly all areas were covered with hardscape and a swimming pool. There were multiple micro-climates ranging from searing hot direct sun to shady areas where nothing would bloom.
The hardscape areas lacked interest, dimension, and color mixture.The area was ideal for creating a lush seasonal color display.
We evaluated the site and proposed an eye-appealing design solution.
- Install multiple containers and fill them with a variety of plants
- Select containers to highlight texture, size, and a harmonious theme
- Group containers to enhance impact and use plants suited to the micro-climate
- Use blooming annuals and hardy perennials to provide year round appeal

Realizing the Project
No demolition was required for this project.
Over 80 containers were selected to provide a variety of texture and dimension.
Pavers, concrete and bedding areas were thoroughly cleaned for a start-fresh look.
Organic compost and soil enhancements were installed in each container.
Groups of containers were arranged throughout the area integrating walking paths and seating.
Containers are suitable to rearrange as time progresses to achieve a different look.
Completed Project
The vision created by our landscape designer and hard-working crew was realized.
Beautiful seasonal color enhances the outdoor living area of this Dallas home. Family and visitors love relaxing among the beautiful plants, many that fill the air with scent.
The failure to thrive problem was solved by carefully selecting the correct plants for each container group that would thrive in either hot sun or excessive shade.
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